What is Fillers Injection?
As facial tissues thin out, lines become etched around the nose and mouth and cheeks look a little hollow.
Dermal fillers can replace lost volume to help smooth wrinkles, plump the lips, and restore a more youthful appearance.
The best brands for fillers are used by Dr. Tarek Raief to ensure the best cosmetic, durable, and safe results.

Ideal Candidates
While dermal fillers are casually known as “wrinkle fillers,” they can do much more than just smooth out wrinkles, although they are excellent at this too! Here are a few of the common issues dermal fillers can help:
• Smooth out lines around nose and mouth (marionette lines, smile lines, and parentheses)
• Enhance & restore volume to sunken cheeks or temples
• Diminish vertical lip lines
• Plump & enhance the lips
• Smooth out a chin crease
• Improve symmetry among facial features
How long the effects of dermal fillers will last depends on the product, the area of treatment, and the patient.
Generally speaking, the denser the product is and the more deeply it is injected, the longer it will last, although this is not a hard and fast rule.
To maintain your results, your cosmetic surgeon will simply repeat treatment, adjusting the amount and techniques as necessary to ensure optimal results.
Fat injections are meant to last indefinitely; however, some of the injected fat is expected not survive.
Initially, your cosmetic surgeon may overfill the treatment area, resulting in an initially fuller look that will gradually settle into a more natural appearance