fractional laser
What is fractional laser treatment?
Fractional laser is a state-of-the-art laser device used for skin resurfacing.
As therapeutic effect of the fractional laser is strong and side effects are low, it has become one of the most preferred methods for the skin treatments.
Fractional laser treatment is a non-invasive treatment that uses a device to deliver a laser beam divided into thousands of microscopic treatment zones that target a fraction of the skin at a time.
Fractional laser treatment is used for the treatment of:
• Facial lines and wrinkles
• Sun damage
• Skin pigmentation
• Scars
• Acne scars
• Stretch marks
• Melasma
The fractional laser affects the upper and lower layers of the skin.
In fractional laser systems, laser beams drill very tiny tunnels in the skin and thus, synthesis of collagen is stimulated.
This method is advantageous due to minimal damage to healthy skin areas.
Thus, recovery of the skin is faster, and possible side effects of the laser beams are minimized.
This fractional treatment results in a faster healing process than if all tissue in the treatment area was exposed to the laser.
• Define problem areas and tailor a treatment pattern to target the areas for correction.
• Take pre-treatment photographs.
• Consider aciclovir or valaciclovir prophylaxis against herpes simplex infections (cold sores)
• The patient needs to remove all jewellery and makeup. Wash face with soap and water before treatment.
• An anaesthetic cream is applied to the treatment area. It takes about 45-60 minutes for the anaesthetic to take full effect.
- The gliding gel acts as the contact lubricant for the robotic handpiece that glides across the skin surface.
- Treatment time will depend on the areas being treated, but a full face will take around 30 minutes.
- The pain associated with the procedure is dependent on the energy delivered to the treatment site.
- A cooling device is used to reduce the discomfort during the procedure.
• Patients may experience a mild sunburn sensation for about an hour after the procedure.
• Swelling is usually minimal and should resolve in 2–3 days.
• The skin will have a pinkish tone for 3–5 days.
• Within 24 hours new epidermal skin develops and the skin will have a bronze appearance that can last 3–14 days.
• Skin peeling can be pronounced after ablative therapy when the skin should be gently removed with tap water, petrolatum and gauze once or twice daily.
• During the healing phase and for several months after treatment, it is recommended that the treatment area is protected using a moisturising sunscreen
Fractional laser treatment appears to be well tolerated by most patients.
Shaving or application of mineral make-up can be done soon after treatment.
In most cases, patients can return to work directly after treatments or the following day, depending upon their skin condition and treatment.
Some of the side effects and complications that may occur after aggressive or ablative fractional laser treatments, particularly on neck skin, include:
• Excessive desquamation (scaling, peeling) and some crusting
• Swelling for up to one week after treatment – this can be helped by applying an ice pack at 10-minute intervals for the first 24 hours.
• Postinflammatory pigmentation
• Acneform eruptions, herpes simplex, bacterial and candida infections
• Contact dermatitis