Morbid Obesity
Obesity does not only affect the aesthetic side, but also it increases the risk of other diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and a person becomes obese when his BMI indicates above 30.
At Paradise Cosmetic Clinics, we offer all the different surgical solutions for obese patients, which differ from case to case based on the diagnosis and recommendations of consultant doctors.
It is one of the most important bariatric surgeries and the most common among obese patient..Where about 70% is cut off the stomach which means decreasing its size to a great extent. And so the patient feels full after eating a small amount of food. It is done by endoscope thorough 4 small surgical openings that do not exceed 2cm. Also, Hunger hormone (Ghrelin) is removed in the surgery which makes sense of hunger became rare after the surgery.
*Laparoscopic gastric sleeve leaves the stomach in a shape of a sleeve, so it is named with this name.
*Gastric sleeve is considered the ideal and most suitable solution for those who suffer a lot from the failure of weight loss by diet or practicing exercises. This is not the end for them. There are a lot of new and updated solutions which is Bariatric surgeries that achieved the dream of a lot in weight loss and reaching the ideal weight.
What is Gastric Bypass surgery?
It is one of the important bariatric surgeries. Where part of the stomach is cut off (pocket shape) and gastric bypass is made by passing the first part of the intestine.
By decreasing the size of the stomach and bypassing the first portion of the intestine, weight loss occurs by decreasing amount of food eaten by the obese patient.Â
Also decreasing the absorption of food and sugars.
It is done by laparoscopy thorough 4 small surgical openings that do not exceed 2cm.
Also, Hunger hormone (Ghrelin) is removed in the surgery which makes sense of hunger became rare after the surgery.
– The best candidate is the obese patient who likes eating large amounts of sweets and sugary food.
– Diabetic patient.
– A Patient who has an increase in weight than the ideal more than 30 kg or BMI (weight/(length in meter)2) more than 40 or 35 in the presence of chronic diseases as diabetes, increase in blood pressure or bones diseases.
1- Less pain than open surgery.
2- stay in the hospital for only one day.
3- Short recovery period and the patient can return to his daily activities after 5 days at most.
4- The cosmetic look is much better.
It is a balloon of silicone that is inserted in the stomach and is filled with a sterilized saline solution which takes a large space in the stomach.
And so gives the patient a feeling of fullness and satiety.
The best candidate is the obese patient who has an increase in weight than the ideal less than 30 kg.
Or his BMI (weight/(length)2) less than 30 and failed in weight loss by diet or practising exercises.
Time of inserting balloon takes about 10 minutes and it remains in the stomach for 6 months, in this time, the patient achieves his goal in weight loss.
Some kinds of balloons remain for a year in the stomach.
– Is a non-surgical procedure performed in a few minutes under the influence of local anaesthesia.
– The cost of the gastric balloon varies depending on the type of balloon and the cost of the hospital in which the balloon is inserted.