Elementor #1659

The stomach balloon process reveals its full details, “Dr. Tarek Raief,” who opposed the prices and tried it in rapid slimming.

The stomach balloon is one of the most important non-surgical obesity operations

It is the product of the latest technologies and methods of rapid slimming in Egypt and the world

Stomach balloon operation

The stomach balloon process relies on implanting a balloon inside the stomach to reduce the absorption space for food inside the stomach

By swallowing the patient the smart programmed capsule elipse with a glass of water to take a few minutes inside the stomach and fill with a special liquid consisting of “stomach balloon”

“Dr. Tarek Raief,” explained that the smart programmed elipse capsule is the product of advanced American technology in the field of very rapid slimming.

Do you need a balloon intended for anesthetic?

Ease of operation of the stomach balloon and being non-surgical denies the use of anesthesia, as it intends to swallow the patient to “smart programmed capsule elipse”, which reaches the size of the normal medical capsule

It fills to reach the size of the palm of the hand, taking advantage of a large area inside the stomach and gives a faster feeling of satiety